Sunday, August 22, 2010

A History of Jesus People USA

Originally authored By Jon Trott; and published in Cornerstone Magazine, formerly the literary voice of the historic commune the Chicago Jesus People USA aka: 'Jpusa.'

(this content used without permission or other authority by a former member)


Church history, in the most meaningful turn of that phrase, is less a matter of battles and Councils and buildings than of those key figures and moments of which nobody knows but God. At least until the Last Judgment, when the true history of the Church will at last be revealed.

Before that day, the best anyone can do is weave together a rough draft of events and interpretations, acknowledging that we know, as Paul says, only "in part". This applies not only to the larger Church -- around the world and across the ages -- but to that very small chapter of Church History in which appear the story(s) of the Jesus People USA community. And while this cannot be the most objective telling of this story, we see value in making the attempt, and certainly in communicating how we see ourselves and make sense of our history together and in the world.

To that end, we include here a multipart series on our history which first appeared in Cornerstone magazine. Ultimately, we hope to both add new chapters and expand on the original material, taking advantage of those features unique to the Web -- the malleability of the "final" form, hypertextual links to related topics, and interactivity, i.e. drawing others into helping us write a communal history communally. In the meantime, we hope you are encouraged by this draft of "Life's Lessons: A History of Jesus People USA" -- like the community itself, a work in progress.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 (a): Birth and Rebirth

The early history of the JPUSA community, our roots in the "Jesus Movement" in general, and in the Milwaukee Jesus People in particular. Originally an outreach of the Milwaukee group, the "Jesus People USA Traveling Team" forges an individual identity on the road and in one stop -- Chicago -- that becomes home. But before new roots can be put down, a leadership crisis becomes a defining moment in the history of the community.

Chapter One (b): Quest For Balance

Leadership changes are just one Chapter of the larger grappling with structure as what began as an evangelistic outreach becomes an intentional Christian community.

Chapter Two: House and Home

Structure means, in one sense, getting a house. Starting community businesses is a turning point in our identity, as is merging with an African American community from the South Side.

Chapter Three: Accountability and the Individual

Cornerstone magazine tackles tough issues, Resurrection Band on the road at on vinyl.

Chapter Four: Authority, Freedom -- and Uptown

Wrestling with the Truth, and moving to a new neighborhood.

Chapter Five: Who Is My Neighbor?

Doorstep Social Action: When It Shows Up On Your Doorstep, You Gotta Take Action

Chapter Six: Cornerstone Festival

Cornerstone and Christian community done "live" with a few thousand additional participants.

Chapter Seven: Action -- Social and Political, I

One thing leads to another.

Chapter Eight: Action -- Social and Political, II

And another, and another...

End Notes

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